How to Find Out What Theme And Plugins a WordPress Site Is Using


You are in the process of finishing a WordPress blog and by chance you see another WordPress blog that has a nice theme or nice features, but you do not know what that theme is… Or which plugins are used by that blog?

This tutorial will teach you how to find the theme and plugin that a wordpress site is using (unless they intentionally hide it then will not be able to find it).


Some information you need to know about the WordPress Theme & Plugin

In the world today, more than 70 million websites are using WordPress, which is open source with a huge themes and plugins library. You can use the thousands of free plugins and themes from or you can buy the standard and beautiful theme in many famous providers such as:

  • Thrivethemes
  • Mythemeshop
  • Theme Junkie
  • Elegant Themes
  • Themeforest
  • Mojo Themes
  • Themify

If you do not know how to install themes for WordPress, please refer to this tutorial.

WordPress is also home to tens of thousands of plugin developers, creating millions of plug-ins to serve a wide variety of user needs, such as:

  • SEO Plugins
  • Speed Optimization Plugins
  • Email Marketing plugins
  • Landing page / sale page builders
  • Contact form plugins
  • Store builder plugins
  • URL Shortener Plugins
  • And a lot more

I have an article that summarizes the plugins that new users should use, you can refer to here.

In the process of making blogs, websites. You will have access to many guides in many different blogs. And most of them use WordPress. You see that blog is beautiful and has many great features. You want your new website to have the same interface and capabilities. There are two steps you must do as follows:

  • Determine whether that site uses WordPress or not?
  • Identify the theme and plugin that they are using

I will help you go step by step.

Find out if that website is running on wordpress or not

WordPress holds the majority of the market share, not the whole. So when you see a great blog / website, you still can not be sure that they are using WordPress. There are many professional web designers code themselves or code on another platform.

To find out if a site is using WordPress, you can use the WhatCMS tool. The usage is very simple, you access this tool, enter the website and click Dectec CMS. Here is the result I found when entering my site:

Find out if that website is running on wordpress or not

You can see the message that my site is using WordPress. If you can not check out by this way, you can try with the domainname/wp-admin link to see if there is access to the admin login screen of the blog or not.

For example, I’m on the blog of Matt Cutts (He is the former head of the web spam team at Google, but is now working for the United States Digital Service as the director of engineering).

I want to see if this blog is using WordPress or not. I will add wp-admin to the end of the URL, as follows and visit:… and it appears a WordPress login screen:

WordPress login screen

So this site is using wordpress. If it does not display this screen but it says “This page has been disabled“, this site is also using WordPress, but the site owner has deliberately hidden the login page at another URL that we can not know.

If it’s a 404 page it’s likely that the site you’re exploring does not use WordPress.

If you still can not find this way then continue to visit the site, press F12 or Ctr + Shirt + I to see the source code, then press Ctrl + F to search. You type wp in the search box, it will output some of the results returned

  • wp-content
  • wp-includes

This is exactly the site that uses the WordPress source code. If you are sure this site is using WordPress, you will go through the next step to see what theme they  are using and what plugins are installed.

Find theme & plugin by method 1: Search by tool

You can use one of two tools:

This is very simple. You just need to type in the site you want to find the theme and plugin it is using. After the scan it will show the full results for you with free download link or buy link if the plugin or theme is paid.

For example, with these two tools, I will know the digital marketing website is using a custom theme created by themselves.


In addition, we know they are using two following plugins:

  • WP Super Cache
  • Yoast SEO

Find theme & plugin by method 2: Find manually

This way, you will visit the site you want to find, press F12 or Ctrl + Shirt + I. Developer Tools will appear, press Ctrl + F to find information about the theme and plugin this site is using.

For example, you can see my blog using the Jetpack and wordfence plugin:

flashreviewz plugin

Hopefully with this article, you will be able to find the theme and plugin of any wordpress site. Unless the site owner deliberately hide it then you have to contact him/her directly to find out! 😀

Featured image credit: Colorlib

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